Business First – Bouncing back from your mistakes

By Ducere 0
15 Jul 2014

Mat Jacobson’s extensive business acumen is once again shared with the lucky readers of Business First Magazine this month. Using the knowledge gained through several successful business ventures, Mat is not afraid to admit when he has made a mistake in business. The important thing is to bounce back, to learn from the mistake and not let it hinder you or your decision making for the future!

Below are some excerpts from the article, happy reading.


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Mat explains in the article, how entrepreneurship is about great business skills and a competitive product offering, but it’s just as much about adaptability; the ability to move and respond to market changes and market opportunities.

He says: “The flipside is that mistakes will inevitably occur in a volatile, fast paced environment. But learning from the mistakes you’ve made and growing from them plays a critical part in achieving success. The good news is it’s even better if you can learn from other people’s mistakes, including mine, instead of repeating the same mistakes.”

“I guess their school of thought was to try and screw people to get the best possible deal you can… but my philosophy is to work in a partnership that is fair and reasonable for all parties. Aside from being the right thing to do, having this approach also creates the environment where everyone is motivated to get the best outcome for the business.”

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Check out the July/August edition of Business First magazine to read Mat’s whole article on ‘Bouncing Back from Mistakes in Business’

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